Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Where are the blog posts!

They are with us!   I just finished my current WIP on Friday of last week, and now am furiously editing to send out to beta readers so I can publish THIS friday!   What?  Are you mad?  Doesn't it take fifty years and a box of frogs to publish?   NO!   No it does not.  That is the old way of doing things, and I'm taking a stand here and now to tell you that despite what the industry experts tell you, there IS another way.   You do not have to revise revise revise for months on end before you publish.  

But, doesn't it have to be good enough?  If you don't revise fifty times and put it in a drawer for four months, it can't possibly be good enough.  

Or can it?  Yes, it can.  It may not be quite as good as if you waited for half a year, but it CAN be good enough for people to enjoy the fudge out of a story, and then get the next installment / novel within a month or two.  I HATED waiting for years between books when I was a kid.  If I saw a series that wasn't done yet, I would put it down and walk away most of the time, because I detested waiting for the extreme amount of times that traditional publishing houses made you wait.  And worse, authors bought into the lie that this was supposed to be the norm. 

So now, with self publishing, I have total control.  I can now publish my book 10 days after finishing it if I so choose.  And I do!   There are a LOT of authors out there now just learning this method.  We're done listening to the people who say 100 words a month is just fine and if you don't work that slowly, obviously you are not a real author and have no passion. How dare you want to make money.

Well, I do.  I want to make money writing what I love to write, the stories I want to write, and the characters I want to write for you.  Balance is possible!  Also, making you, the READER happy, is possible too.  


1 comment:

  1. So what do I do with the box of frogs I got? I don't need them?
