Saturday, March 18, 2017

Armor and Writing 

Lets talk Armor and writing, folks.  As authors, it is easy to do what is called the "handshake" about things that are not common knowledge.  Basically, you buzz by a subject or item that is important to your story, but you don't go into a lot of description because you don't know a lot about it.  It happens.  Especially if you don't want to be bogged down in explaining things which, lets face it, can bore the reader to death.  

It most often happens in Science Fiction and Fantasy, but it can also happen with things that are no longer in our common experience like armor.  It is not impossible to find this information out from a variety of sources, but it can make a difference.   For artists as well!   Don't forget those cover artists.   But let me tell you.  There are a HUGE amount of resources out there describing armor (and weapons, as a good friend of mine, Paul C Middleton, is just getting ready to publish a resource for authors about weapons.) 

Buyer beware, there are a lot of bad resources too.   But let me show you a few photo's of exceptional armor (even to the level of artistic excellence) being created today.   Let your mind feast on these images. These are by a man and artist named Ugo Serrano, but there are many, many more out there to inspire you.  Look around!   you might be surprised what will give you an inspiration.   


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