Thursday, March 2, 2017

I am angry!

Why am I angry?   I'll tell you why I'm angry, because anger is one of the many emotions you have to put into writing.  Well, of course, you say, why are you telling us something that is common sense?  You have to have full, burning passion in order to compose your artistic style!   You cannot compose a work of art that is literature without having lived ten years in mud and ate nails!  How else are you going to get the life experience necessary in order to write with unbridled passion and emotion?

What if I were to tell you, that you don't need ten years of death and doom in your life.  What if I were to tell you what most authors on all those online boards you belong to tell you might not be right?  Do we ALL have to go out on a fishing boat and catch a giant fish all alone?  

Nope.  Just as with many things in life, it is not black and white.   There are fantastic works of art out there written over years, edited over decades, rewritten over and over again, and loved by readers.   There are also snippets and novels, unedited and put out on blogs for fans to enjoy, and published within a month that are also loved by readers.  

There is not just one path up the mountain.  

I read another blog the other day where someone immediately categorized any author that put out more than two books a year as "probably terrible and not worth picking up".   This is ignorance at it's finest.  That would be like me saying that anyone who took longer than three months to write and publish a book was probably too slow to put words together correctly and too disassociated from their work to make it seem interesting. 

Hogwash. Quality and Quantity are not mutually exclusive.  There are millions of people on this planet that go to work each and every day, who may not love their job, but they do it and do it well.   With speed and quality.   That can happen in writing too and does all the time.  

Keep your head up.  Question everything you've been told about writing. Keep writing. 

Spencer P.  


  1. I am angry also. Or maybe disappointed? Wait, no maybe impatient. Yes, that is it. Still waiting on the story .... write faster!

  2. At least you are FEELING. That is so important. One reason that you get these simplistic views of the "only path" is because people want easy answers. There are no easy answers in life. Hard to accept, but true.

  3. Isn't that true though? It's amazing how much information is out there and how little people question it. Questioning isn't always refuting, but a way for people to try to understand / grasp a concept better.
