Saturday, January 7, 2017

Snippet #2  The Duke of Brun and the Golden Bands - book 1

The baneworm and its brothers emerged from the large earthenware vase into the cool night air.  It sensed the warmth of a creature retreating rapidly but too far to be of concern.  There were other heat sources nearby as well.  Many more then the creatures were used to, but still not in the immediate vicinity so it only made the large, multi-legged insects stiffen restlessly rather then going into an immediate hunt mode.

Then the pheromones impacted their senses. 

All of them turned, their backward facing antennae arching up into the night air to hone in on the female.  It didn’t take long for them to determine the direction and as one they began to move quickly across the sand before diving underneath, leaving long runnels as they moved toward their goal.  It was in the direction of the large group of heat sources, but at this point they didn’t care.  They were called by their nature to mate, and their small insect brains were incapable of resisting. 

They were all about average for their species, being about thirty to forty centimeters long with hundreds of legs spaced evenly along their length.  Their shells along their multi-segmented bodies were dark purples and reds, designed to warn other creatures away, and if that didn’t work, the long stinger on the tail end of them was perfectly capable of curling up along their body and being thrust forward to strike, injecting a nasty, very deadly, poison into anything not fast enough to get away.  It didn’t help that they were aggressive, being known to chase anything that moved until it left their territory.

No one ever wanted to see an agitated baneworm with half its body raised in the air like a striking tail and all those legs wiggling in the air.   It usually meant you were in striking distance, and shortly thereafter, very dead.

Tonight, the baneworm and its brother weren’t interested in territory as they raced under the sand towards their goal.  Occasionally one or the other would stop, raising its thickly chitin-armored antenna above the sand to re-orient toward the female before racing on. 

None of the few night Terek guardsmen that the creatures raced past were remotely aware of the danger under their feet.  They were watching for man-sized trespassers, and had no experience with the creatures of the deep desert.  They might have noticed the bulges moving in the sand if it were daytime, but not during the darkness of the night even with one of the moons still full. 

Fortunately for them, it allowed the baneworm and its brothers to remain fixated on the female.  Somehow, the scent appeared to be diminishing which just made the creatures move faster towards its source, not even realizing they passed underneath a tent wall and were now moving under carpets that had been placed under the large tent the Duke and his entourage were sleeping under.   

They stopped toward one wall of the tent, milling about under the sand before finally working their way up through the cracks in the carpets laid down and arching their multi-segmented bodies up in the air.  They were striving for the scent of the female which was rapidly diminishing.  It caused confusion since there was nothing to climb that they could sense, and the pheromones were coming from a few meters above them.   They didn’t know the sponge that had been lobbed onto the top of the Duke’s tent was specially designed to attract them or that its payload would fade quickly into nothingness.

All they knew was that there was no longer a female to pursue, and that suddenly they were surrounded by multiple warm bodies well within their territory limits.  It didn’t matter who the intruders really were; they simply knew they had to drive the interlopers away.

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