Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Snippet #5 - The Duke of Brun and the Golden Bands.   (unedited)

They had just made it to the thoroughfare where Nilesh said the book merchant lived when they saw a group of six armed men walking down the street toward them.   They had already turned down it, so suddenly stopping and revering direction would look suspicious.  Worse, the soldiers were pulling the hoods down and looking into everyone’s faces. 

“Dammit,” Nilesh hissed.  “Maybe Kaler got a message out after all. 

“Or they just saw us leave camp,” Ashrak said.  “I know you thought we got away unseen, but that’s not a given.”  He felt his hand clench, wanting to reach up and grab his sword handle.  It was currently wrapped in rags to make it look like a much less elegant weapon, but he knew they could probably take the soldiers by surprise if they needed to.   Still, he didn’t want to attract attention.  They would get some sort of warning off, at the very least, and it would ruin their chances of getting what they were after if they had to flee the city. 

They were still about thirty meters from the guards when Nilesh began to walk toward another group of people moving in the same direction.  They were a small group of mid-level merchants with a guard following along with a bored look on his face.   Ashrak watched as Nilesh put his hand into his robe and pocketed something white which he began to crush in his grip.   When he got close to the group of men, he tripped and seemed to blunder directly into the guardsmen, a cloud of white dust flying into the man’s face as he spun.

“Oh sorry, sir, my apologies,” Nilesh said, his voice suddenly reedy and weak as he bowed and held his hands up. 

The guard snarled, half drawing his weapon as he took a step toward Nilesh.  “Why, you piece of filth!  Watch where you’re going!”   He was a brute of a man but Nilesh dodged quickly out of his way while making it look like he stumbled backwards.  The man would have pursued, but the lead merchant called back to him. 

“Guard, what are you doing?  I don’t pay you to play with the rabble!” The guard stopped and grunted, giving Nilesh one more glare before he turned back.  Nilesh just kept his head down and his hands up, not looking back until the guard had resumed his place behind the merchants.

“What did you do that for?” Ashrak whispered when he had caught up to Nilesh who had turned and pulled out a water skin, quickly washing his hands.  

“Stay back for a moment,” Nilesh hissed, letting the water quickly dissolve the white substance from his hand and drop into the sand.   After he had finished, he quickly kicked dirt over the wet area and then ground his foot into the spot.  “Sorry,” He said, still facing away from the direction the soldiers were approaching.  “I had to get that stuff off of my hands.  I’ve built up an immunity, but it wouldn’t do for you three to be affected.”

“Affected by what?” Chari said, looking curiously at the ground. 

“My guess, would be from whatever is making the guard act like that,” Ellian said, nodding her head discreetly toward the group of merchants.  The heavyset guard had stopped in his tracks, suddenly looking up into the sky.   He was beginning to shake and mumble just loud enough for the merchants to begin to notice.   The soldiers were also just about to pass him as well and were looking at him with concern.  Suddenly, screaming incoherently, he lurched and threw himself at one of the soldiers.  Before the man could react, he’d been lifted up above the guard’s head and thrown into the rest of them, knocking them about like a pile of sticks.

“Come on,” Nilesh said, turning and beginning to move down the street though keeping a distance from the suddenly violent confrontation.  “He won’t last long against six soldiers.”

The three followed quickly, watching in awe as the gibbering, foaming-at-the-mouth guard descended on one of the fallen men and began trying to eat him.  His fingers dug into the soldier’s face, making him scream in agonizing pain which redoubled as the crazed man’s teeth sunk into his cheek.  It was horrifying, and only two of the soldiers reacted, leaping up and trying to pull him off.  The other three soldiers could only watch in horror.

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